Wil je beter gevonden worden in Google?

Google Mijn Bedrijf optimaliseren

Zo maak je snel en makkelijk een Google Mijn Bedrijf-profiel aan Wil je beter gevonden worden in Google? Dan is een Google Mijn Bedrijf-profiel echt een must! Toch zie ik dat veel ondernemers dit nog niet hebben ingesteld. Eeuwig zonde, want het is gratis, eenvoudig én levert je direct meer zichtbaarheid op. Waarom Google Mijn […]

PHP 5 will eventually end

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Although it may not mean much to you, your website is built with PHP as its base language. The specific version of PHP used on your site is PHP version 5. We are still working on PHP technology every day, as are the majority of website developers worldwide. However, we are currently at [...]

Google Analytics 4 is coming

Google Analyics 4 PD

You may have read in the media that Google's visitor counter will be changed. Of course, it makes sense that it will continue to evolve, but there is a point to note. Namely, it is now the case that Google will no longer supplement the existing counter with new information about your visitors. After June, [...]

OpenAI is going to change the world of text

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Yes, it is indeed true that nowadays there are several ways to have text written automatically using artificial intelligence (AI). This is done using machine learning models that are trained on large amounts of text data, making them capable of creating new texts similar to a human's. [...]

Your logo, your identity...

brad neathery mGH253KbfaY unsplash

A house style, every entrepreneur has broken his head about it. How do you want to put yourself and your company on the market?

Protect your customers!

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Choose safety and trust! If you manage a website you are constantly improving the website. [...]

Nei Friesland!

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In addition to Enkhuizen, Impression now also has a branch in Friesland. Why? Because it's possible of course 😉 The building is a beautiful building from 1843 and until a few years ago was the town hall of the municipality of Menameradiel. 

Website Kuin BV completed!


The new Kuin BV website is online! Kuin BV: construction, project development and rental. Whether it is real estate development, […]

News from Google about findability


Google gives mobile friendly sites priority in search results. Recently, Google has announced that the mobile friendliness of websites will count as a ranking factor. [...]

Enkhuizen Buys 2017


The new EnkhuizenBoeit magazine has arrived! The magazine that informs tourists in Enkhuizen about restaurants, hotels, ports and tourist attractions […]

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our address:

8204 S. Armstrong Ave.
Hermitage, TN 37076